Aspiration for Women’s Advancement and Retention in Engineering and Science (AWARES)
is a career management skills program to prepare women STEM students for a smooth transition from college to work place. The 4thyear offering of the program will start on October 3, 2018 and graduation will be on April 17, 2019. During the program you will be paired with a woman engineer or scientist working in industry for biweekly individual mentor-mentee meetings followed by peer discussions in Learning Communities in the intervening weeks on the curriculum topics focusing on social and career management skills.
Visit AWARES website at to learn more about the program.
You can apply online for the program by visiting:
Application deadline: September 15, 2018
Contact: Dr. Gönül Kaletunç by email at or by phone at (614-292-0419) if you have any questions about the program.