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Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering


ASM and CSM Clubs to Hold Annual Lawn Mower Clinic

Feb. 16, 2018
Help support the ASM and CSM Clubs at Lawn Mower Clinic 2018

The recent surge of warmer weather has many reminded that spring is right around the corner. But with the arrival of spring can come a number of chores, especially when it comes to maintaining your lawn. Luckily, the Agricultural Systems Management (ASM) Club and Construction System Management (CSM) Club are here to make sure your push mower is in peak condition for the long mowing season ahead.

The ASM and CSM Clubs join together annually to hold their Lawn Mower Clinic to provide preventative maintenance to owner’s push lawnmowers. Starting Wednesday, February 28th, owners can drop off their push lawn mowers at the Agricultural Engineering Building Courtyard. Then, over the weekend, students will work on your mower to change its oil, replace the spark plug, clean under the mower deck, and sharpen the blades, all for only $40. Mowers will be available for pick-up on Monday, March 5th and Tuesday, March 6th.

Not only will this service help your mower stay running strong, but this fundraiser helps support the ASM and CSM student clubs.

"The ASM/CSM Spring Lawn Mower Clinic is one of the most important fundraising activities for these two student organizations,” said Dr. Dewey Mann, ASM program Lecturer and Advisor of the ASM Club. “As a student lead effort, they enjoy providing a service to the Ohio State community, and being able to fund club activities. These funds will support student trips to professional conferences, service activities, and social events for our members."

To learn more about Lawn Mower Clinic, and to see if your mower is eligible, click here.

For additional information, contact Ross Schroeder,


by Chip Tuson