Shannon Dixon, a senior studying food, agricultural and biological engineering, placed first in her research category at the 27th annual Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. The Denman Forum provides an opportunity for graduating student researchers to share their research endeavors with the broader university community. This year, the forum included over 160 presentations from student researchers.
Shannon placed first in the “Earth and Beyond” category with her poster titled “The Effect of Long-term Temperature and pH Stress on Symbiodiniaceae Density in Montipora capitata, Porites lobata, and Porites compressa Coral.” She presented the results of a 22-month experiment conducted in Oahu, Hawaii with the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology. The work was also recently published in a manuscript led by Dr. Rowan McLachlan.
“I had a great experience at the Denman,” said Shannon, who specializes in ecological engineering. “It was very fulfilling getting to share my research and it's really helped cement my interest in going to graduate school.”
Shannon was also recently named a 2022 CFAES Distinguished Senior and FABE Outstanding Senior in recognition of her achievements as an undergraduate student at Ohio State. Shannon will be pursuing her PhD in Ohio State’s earth science program.