Consider hosting prospective students for a few days each semester!
~ Volunteer Form: ~
Mike Hannewald, a senior in CFAES and the EOFD coordinator working for Jill Tyson in the Office of Prospective Student Services is looking for ASM, CSM, and FABE students to host prospective students in the CFAES's EOFD program.
"Experience OSU For A Day" (EOFD) is a program in which prospective students meet with Jill Tyson in CFAES, shadow a current student (this could be you), and then meet with faculty from one or two departments of interest to them. EOFD's can occur any weekday that we have classes and typically hosting would occur from 9:30 am until 1:00 pm. We ask that you take visitors to a class (either one of yours or one in their area of their interest), show them your favorite places around campus (CFAES campus, oval, library, union, RPAC, etc), show them a dorm room in Norton House (we can help you make arrangements to get in if needed), and finally take them to lunch at the Dairy Store in the Parker Food Science Building (you'll get a free lunch too!). This is a great way to meet future students and show them what it's like to be a Buckeye.
The commitment to be an EOFD host is very flexible. When Mike receives a visit request, he does his best to match potential hosts based on their major and availability. You will only be contacted if it appears that your schedule will allow you to be a host. However, if you are contacted and you still aren't able to be a host, that is just fine; he find someone else. We only ask that you give two or three days of your semester to host prospective students.
If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the form at and return it to Mike at or drop it off at the front desk of Ag Admin 100. He'll then put you on the list and you'll be contacted by email when you appear to be a good match (based on your availability and major) for a prospective student. Please share this information with anyone else who you think would be interested in being an EOFD host. If you have any questions about being a host, feel free to contact Mike.