Earlier this month, students from Ohio State’s Construction Systems Management (CSM) program competed in the Associated Schools of Construction Heavy/Civil Competition. The team, comprised of John Hagan, Andrew Schmidt, John Trainor, Lexi Brotherton, Daniel Groudle, and Donovan Kitchen, took home 2ndplace.
Each year, students are given the prints and specification for an actual construction project that has been completed by the competition sponsor. The team is evaluated based on the quality of their presentation and how closely their estimate matches the actual bid on the project. This year’s heavy/civil project consisted of the demolition of two existing Chicago Transportation Bureau (CTB) Stations and the construction of new, combined station in the Chicago Loop.
"The students that participated this year were a highly motivated and hard-working group of individuals that worked together well,” said Don Schafer, CSM program lecturer and advisor of the competition team. “The students were aided by industry direction provided by CSM alumni Jarrett Gary and Clark Moran of George J. Igel & Co., Inc. Construction.”
The team would also like to thank FABE staff members Dan Vehr, Chris Gecik, Rachel Cornell, and Ryan Tietje for supporting the team throughout the process.
“We are grateful for the support, both financial and moral, from our outstanding Industry Advisory Council (IAC). It was truly a team effort,” Schafer said.
Students from Construction Systems Management have the opportunity to participate in a number of regional and national competitions throughout the year. You can learn more about student competitions here.
Click here to learn more about the CSM program at Ohio State.
-Chip Tuson