Let’s meet at 10-12 on Mon. April 16. Chris and Niru will not be able to come, but the majority will be there. I will meet separately with Chris and hopefully Niru to better understand how their programs can be integrated in this effort.
I have not heard from Lucy Stewart, but I know she is out of town with poor email connection.
Jason and Jen, you are welcome to join us if you think that would be fruitful, but I plan on this being a writing session to hammer out details.
Bethany, can we have your conference room for this meeting?
Pierluigi (Enrico) Bonello Professor
Department of Plant Pathology
201 Kottman Hall | 2021 Coffey Road Columbus, OH 43210
614-688-5401 Office | 614-292-4455 Fax
bonello.2@osu.edu osu.edu
Center for Applied Plant Sciences: http://caps.osu.edu
Translational Plant Sciences Graduate Program: http://tpsgp.osu.edu
Environmental Science Graduate Program: http://esgp.osu.edu/
Infectious Diseases Institute: https://idi.osu.edu/
The STEAM Factory: https://steamfactory.osu.edu/