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Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering


FABE hosts international colleagues from China

Oct. 13, 2023

During the Spring of 2023, Joey Smith traveled to China to serve as a senior visiting scholar in the School of Water Resources & Hydropower Engineering at Wuhan University. Joey graduated from The Ohio State University Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering (FABE) BS/MS program, is currently a GTA for FABE land surveying classes, and is an Environmental Science Graduate Program (ESGP) PhD candidate.

Capstone Team Wins ASABE/NABEC Undergraduate Design Competition

Sep. 5, 2023

A team of Ohio State University students majoring in food, agricultural, and biological engineering (FABE) received first place in the Northeast Agricultural and Biological Engineering Conference's (NABEC) Undergraduate Design Competition, held in Guelph, Ontario, Canada last month. 

Satvik Kethireddy and Saisiri Panjugala represented the team, which also included FABE students Justin Davis and Cassidy Brozovich, to present their project titled, "NASA X-Hab Plant Extraction for Future Genomic Sequencing Onboard Space Flights."

Conservation drainage – a showcase at the Ohio State Lima regenerative agriculture farm

Aug. 3, 2023

The second Drainage Installation Field Day at The Ohio State University at Lima brought out close to 100 farmers, engineers, contractors and researchers from around northwest Ohio and across the state to learn more about the installation of sub-surface drainage tile systems and their modern uses. Volunteer contractors worked throughout the day to install 27,000 feet of perforated drain pipes across 25 acres at the Ohio State Lima Regenerative Agriculture Farm.


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