Dr. Ozkan is internationally-recognized for his scholarly activities in the area of pesticide application technology and pesticide waste management. In addition to conducting research and co-teaching a course in Pesticide Application, he provides leadership in development and implementation of Extension educational programs in Ohio related to new developments in pesticide application technology. Some of the specific research and teaching areas Dr. Ozkan is involved in includes:
- Efficient and effective application of pesticides
- Design, development and operation of pesticide application equipment
- Selection of best spray equipment and nozzles for specific application situations
- Technologies for reducing spray drift
- Technologies for reducing pesticide waste
- Variable-rate application of pesticides
- Field evaluation of spray equipment for spray drift and efficacy
Dr. Ozkan has produced a variety of educational materials. He has authored or co-authored 5 book chapters, over 90 refereed journal publications, 60 other educational publications for pesticide applicators, farmers and sprayer manufacturers. He has presented technical papers at over 100 conferences in the U.S.A. and in other countries. He has developed numerous microcomputer software and audio-visuals related to pesticide application technology. 20 of his educational materials have received the ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering) Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Award. Most recently, he is the co-recipient of the ASABE’s “Design Concept of the Year” award for development of a variable rate orchard sprayer using laser technology. He is a Fellow of ASABE, a recognition given to only 10 to 12 ASABE members annually for their outstanding scholarly accomplishments.
Ph.D. 1979 Agricultural Engineering, University of Missouri
M.S. 1976 Agricultural Engineering, University of Missouri
B.S. 1973 Agricultural Engineering, Ataturk University, Turkey
7/93 - Present: Professor, Agricultural Engineering Department, The Ohio State University. Major responsibilities are in outreach education and research. Responsible for developing and delivering statewide outreach education (extension) programs related to pesticide application technology including handling of pesticides and management of pesticide wastes. Research topics include pesticide application technology and agricultural machinery management.
11/85 - 6/93: Associate Professor, Agricultural Engineering Dept., The Ohio State University
7/84 -11/85: Associate Professor, Agricultural Engineering Dept., Iowa State University.
3/80 - 6/84: Assistant Professor, Agricultural Engineering Dept., Iowa State University. Developed and supervised state-wide outreach education programs as a state specialist with Iowa Cooperative Extension Service.
2024 ASABE Superior Research Paper award
2017 Co-recipient of “Innovator of the Year Award”, College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, The Ohio State University.
2015 ASABE Rainbird Engineering Concept of the Year
2013 ASABE Superior Research Paper award
1982-present: Twenty ASAE Blue Ribbon Awards from the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) for outstanding Educational Aids (11 publications, 3 microcomputer programs, 2 slide sets, 2 extension methods, 1 display).
2006 Honorable mention. ASABE Technical paper award.
2002 College of FAES, Ohio State University, Departmental Advising Award.
1992 OARDC Faculty Research Award (FABE Application Technology Research Team)
1993: First Place: Epsilon Sigma Phi Tools for Teaching Competition- Slide Set Category
1991: First Place: Epsilon Sigma Phi Tools for Teaching Competition- Slide Set Category
1991: Third Place: Epsilon Sigma Phi Tools for Teaching Competition- Team Teaching Category (Cooperators in team teaching: J. Heimlich, M.L. Wilson)
1988: First Place: Epsilon Sigma Phi Tools for Teaching Competition- Slide Set Category
1988: Second place: Epsilon Sigma Phi Tools for Teaching Competition- Exhibit Category (co-producers, R. Reeder and J. Victor).
1987: First Place: Epsilon Sigma Phi Tools for Teaching Competition- Videotape category
1979: Selected for inclusion in "Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities."