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Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering




Student Conducting Research

Research at the Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Research is an integral part of FABE and our students’ education. Through research, our goal is to better the lives of people, businesses, and communities. Our faculty, staff researchers, graduate students, and undergraduate students work on projects including basic and applied research funded by the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC), competitive grants and partnerships with industry. FABE faculty experts conduct research on a wide array of topics under the follwing focus areas:

Agricultural Safety and Health

Biomass and Processing

Environment and Sustainability

Food Engineering

Plant and Animal Production Eng.



Undergraduate Research Experiences

Explore research being done in our Department, and its potential impact on your life, by exploring our research focus areas. Undergraduate students are encouraged to get involved in research by contacting their faculty advisor or one of the listed faculty experts in the above focus areas. Students also participate in research experiences in other departments or colleges, which can be found through university-wide research postings and the College of Engineering undergraduate student research placement tool. 

Placement Tools and research postings

Research Postings