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Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering


ASM/CSM Petition for Change in Requirements


The following instructions pertain to BOTH ASM and CSM students. Please read these instructions completely before submitting your petition. You must talk to your academic advisor or your faculty advisor before submitting the petition. Incomplete information or missing supporting documents WILL delay the review of your petition.

1. Download the petition. This is a writable pdf document. Save the petition on your computer before completing the form to maintain the writable features.

2. Complete the form

  • Clearly state which course(s) you are petitioning to waive or substitute, the course number, title, and credit hours (Example: CSM 2240 Construction Methods and Materials I, 3 credits)
  • Include course descriptions for the OSU course(s) you are petitioning to waive or substitute. Course descriptions can be found on the Course Catalog on Buckeyelink.
  • For the transferred courses, write from which college the course is transferred, course number, course title, and credit hours.

3. Sign the form with an electronic signature

4. Save the form for your records

5. Schedule an appointment with a CFAES academic counselor to review the form and ensure proper submission. 

6. You will receive an email when your submission has been processed by the department and sent to CFAES.